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Charcoal mist at cotton fields: Poetry & Drawings

"Charcoal mist at cotton fields" is a mixed media project combining poems with charcoal drawings. In its three chapters “We are the elements of our private space”, “Who told you a soul can’t bite” and “Where the pure hearts grow” the author explores the different dimensions of love, painting emotional states in two forms – verbal and visual.
The reader is taken on the wings of imagination to places that can be seen only with the heart, as “what is essential is invisible to the eye” in the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince. The charcoal drawings complement the poems, forming together one exquisite piece of art.

"In her debut poetry book "Charcoal mist at cotton fields" Eden Sleepwalker molds sadness into something creative, giving life to new worlds and exploring the hidden areas of the human soul".

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