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About me

For years I had no idea why I was this way... Why I was shooting with my lens, the nerves of a leaf while most of the people passing by, seeing only the greenery. Why I was astonished by the sun rays piercing the water’s surface while most of the people were enjoying swimming in the sea. Why the structure of an empty shell kept me always breathless while others might step on dozens of them at a walk on sand. I thought all these were happening because I was meant to be a visual artist and somehow I had to use that information into my art. I did that for years with success, but never felt complete as an artist and an individual, but I could never imagine that the reason I was always noticing everything oddly, was that I’m a poet at heart. Words meant few things to me, or I thought so until the day I was accidentally reborn anew, a different personality. A poetry lover, writing and reading large collections of verses, rhymes, haikus, I keep on falling in love more and more with words and how they can draw images sometimes more vivid than the actual ones. A vision from the soul of the poet directly to the hearts of the reader.For me, this is the perfect form of interactive art, from the moment a poem is read and perceived by our brains through imagery, metaphors, symbolism saying things we poets need to tell, but only to those that need to listen.

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